The opposite of love-bombing is unconditional love. Love-bombing is highly conditional.
It is gems like this that keep me coming back.
or do they want the world to fall in around your ears so that you might "turn back to jehovah"?.
do they think that if you had less happiness in life you would be driven back?.
my mum once exclaimed very bitterly that i had "landed on my feet" too many times and that i would probably have been back at the kh if things hadn't gone so well in my life.. englishman.
The opposite of love-bombing is unconditional love. Love-bombing is highly conditional.
It is gems like this that keep me coming back.
the 2 jw convension-halls in the netherlands have now a bank/credit-card accespoint to give contribution to the wts with your bank or creditcards.
do you know this happens in other country's?
it is really strange to see that brs&srs are giving donations with their visa & mastercards.
During the announcements we were told how to use the card terminal. They advise us also to type for a 17-euro donation the symbols 1700 instead of 17. I think they got the last months many donations of 0,17 euro because brs&srs typed 17 instead of 1700. Humorous! That was not the intention of the terminal I think!! For the readers who not believe this story, it is very very real! I never expected to "witness" these kind of incidents in "the" organisation, but they really happen here in the Netherlands!
If there is a charge of .25 for eachtransaction, the WTB&TS could go broke quick with 00.17 transactions.
the jehovah's witnesses have qualcomm stadium from june 11th to the 13th and the spanish jehovah's witnesses have it the 18th.
what is going on?
would there be any groups there that i could contact to join with or help me start an outreach to jehovah's witnesses?
I live next door to the stadium.. I will keep my ears open for whats up.Animal
Animal, Thanks Triple A
the jehovah's witnesses have qualcomm stadium from june 11th to the 13th and the spanish jehovah's witnesses have it the 18th.
what is going on?
would there be any groups there that i could contact to join with or help me start an outreach to jehovah's witnesses?
Thanks to all of you for your inputs. You have experiences and insight that I do not have. Not to take anything away from Ron Rhodes and Dr. Walter Martin, but your past and willingness to open up is wonderful and something that you can not get from a text book. One reason for looking for an individual or group to work with is to get those insights and help on understanding how and why the Jehovah's Witness thinks and responds as they do.
I do not believe that there is a single silver bullet that will work with all and everytime. A well phrased question, a sign, a webpage or bulletin board, or even a heated debate if it reaches one is worth the time and effort.
My desire to swing by the convention is not to scream or shout at any one, but to find someone to help me get something going in the east county of San Diego. Have not been able to find anything through my searches, but have to believe that there are people and groups here as well.
the jehovah's witnesses have qualcomm stadium from june 11th to the 13th and the spanish jehovah's witnesses have it the 18th.
what is going on?
would there be any groups there that i could contact to join with or help me start an outreach to jehovah's witnesses?
Labels and names do not bother me, being effective does.
the jehovah's witnesses have qualcomm stadium from june 11th to the 13th and the spanish jehovah's witnesses have it the 18th.
what is going on?
would there be any groups there that i could contact to join with or help me start an outreach to jehovah's witnesses?
I am not looking to be a JW. I have done a ton of reading over the last two years, both Watchtower and anti-Watchtower. Heck I have even completed the seven Volumes of The Studies in the Scriptures, editions printed in between 1903 and 1917. There is no way I could give up my relationship wiith Jesus Christ for the worship of men in Rome Brooklyn.
My JW friend called me two years ago and that started me on this what do the Jehovah's Witnesses believe quest. I have been happily married for 20 years this August. My wife a fine example of Christain love supports me in this endvour. I am not doing this just to reach one women, but a group of people that I honestly beleive have been mislead. I may never be able to reach my friend, 3,000 miles seperates us.
My wife's comment when this got started was, "I knew when I met you that youi would do some kind of ministry, so I guess we now know what it is to be."
Triple A
the jehovah's witnesses have qualcomm stadium from june 11th to the 13th and the spanish jehovah's witnesses have it the 18th.
what is going on?
would there be any groups there that i could contact to join with or help me start an outreach to jehovah's witnesses?
Should have said thank you for your input, because that is advice that I need. You are right I have never been a Jehovah's Witness. A young lady over 20 years ago rejected me for the Society.
Triple A
the jehovah's witnesses have qualcomm stadium from june 11th to the 13th and the spanish jehovah's witnesses have it the 18th.
what is going on?
would there be any groups there that i could contact to join with or help me start an outreach to jehovah's witnesses?
I did not figure that I would be able to talk to Jehovah's Witnesses there, but that I might find some one or group there that is doing this. And either work with them or get some help and direction on how to get started.
Triple A
the jehovah's witnesses have qualcomm stadium from june 11th to the 13th and the spanish jehovah's witnesses have it the 18th.
what is going on?
would there be any groups there that i could contact to join with or help me start an outreach to jehovah's witnesses?
I do not know if outreach would be concidered a buzzword. What I mean by outreach is that I would like to be proactive in talking to Witnesses, rather than just wait to have them knock at my door.
Triple A
the jehovah's witnesses have qualcomm stadium from june 11th to the 13th and the spanish jehovah's witnesses have it the 18th.
what is going on?
would there be any groups there that i could contact to join with or help me start an outreach to jehovah's witnesses?
The Jehovah's Witnesses have QualComm Stadium from June 11th to the 13th and the Spanish Jehovah's Witnesses have it the 18th. What is going on? Would there be any groups there that I could contact to join with or help me start an outreach to Jehovah's Witnesses?